Well I just got home from my first day at Best Buy and I’m not entirely sure what to think of it. It could be really a lot of fun and really quite cool or on the other hand it could be a complete pain to do everyday…. what I am sure of is that it’s not good enough to keep me from looking for other things in the mean time but it’ll definitely be nice to be receiving a paycheck again.
Today I didn’t really do anything of any significance. I did all the usual first day things getting a security badge, keys to the lab, etc. Spent some time looking up prices of DVD Burners for the classroom and sat in on a product demo for some of the buyers of new upscaning DVD players (they convert a regular DVD to HDTV… did a pretty good job at it too but I wouldn’t pay $299-$499 just to get a smidge higher quality).
Random side note for the Ole’s out there…. the on campus Caf is run by Bon Appetite.