Chris is not a happy camper today….
11:50 Class starts
11:52 I leave my room to go to class (it’s usually a good 10 minutes before he says anything remotely useful anyway)
11:58 Get to class and there is no Professor…..
12:04 Professor Brown shows up and proceeds to turn on computer
12:15 We decide that it’s the keyboard switch that died…. I call Myron and ask for a keyboard switch… he doesn’t have one but he comes over to open the back so we can re-wire around the problem
12:25 Computer fixed and Class “begins”
12:25 He starts talking about the Science Symposium
12:31 Someone asks if we can discuss our projects that are due Monday… he says No.
12:35 He starts teaching something that he’s taught us multiple times
12:43 Starts teaching the material that we actually needed to know last Wednesday.
12:45 *Bell Rings*
And worst of all he is basically the CS department so there’s no one to talk to about his ineptitude.