Texas Redistricting

Another interesting article this time from the AP http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20030513_1040.html about Texas’ House attempts to re draw the district lines. (Is it obvious that I’m pretty bored today?) There are some great quotes including one comparing the run away Democrats to Terrorists 🙂

Basicly a bunch of Texas Democrats ran to Oklahoma so that the Texas House of Representatives couldn’t actually get a quorum thus blocking legislation to redraw the U.S. House of Representitive district lines.

I’m not sure how I feel about this. They ran off to try and keep the Republicans from redrawing the districts in such a way that they could take over half a dozen more House seats next election. I can totally understand that Democrats want to force the Republican controled House to focus on other topics that they think are more important (and probably are) but I just don’t feel that this is the way to do what they want. Redistricting in their favor is something that both sides try and do whenever they have the chance. But what they’re doing is setting a bad precident where if people don’t like a bill coming up why not just go ahead and run away to block leglislation.