So Amber and I spent the weekend in Baltimore for Sarah Capelle’s wedding. It was a great time, and a very small wedding. Given that John is being shipped out to Iraq in the very near future (I’m thinking in the next 6 weeks or so) there wasn’t time to plan a bigger wedding and everyone was given only 2 weeks notice before it happened. Somehow Sarah pulled it all together and it turned out to be a good time.
While we were out there we successfully made it down to DC for a whirlwind tour of the monuments in DC. Our Monument tour was a total of about 30 minutes, I know we spent more time driving from Baltimore to the Metro Station and more time on the Metro than we did seeing the sites but I’m still glad we finally at least made it into DC for some time. Hopefully we’ll find the time to take a real vacation one of these days and get to spend some time visiting museums etc.
There are pictures posted both of DC and the Wedding for those who know how to find them.